The Logo

Explore Our Logo

Assyrian Biblical Studies logo

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To understand the spiritual meaning of our logo one has to understand the theology of the First Century Christians that preached Jesus in a revolutionary way. This theology is embedded in the Metanoia Sessions that are available in our website archives. We highly recommend everyone to watch these sessions before joining our Bible Studies

The logo is comprised of three pictures.  Starting from below, the logo depicts a shovel.  The shovel alludes to the parable of Jesus in Mark Chapter 4.  In this parable Jesus explains how one should prepare the inner self by removing all weeds, thorns, thistles, rocks and birds from our heart before He plants His seeds (Word of God).

The shovel is the usual tool used by farmers to prepare the soil for planting.  Such preparation of soul for the Word of God is accomplished by emptying ourselves from our own fleshly desires, thoughts, and goals and realigning our mind with Christ.

The second part of the logo is the Holy Bible.  The Bible is depicted as an open book ready to reveal the secrets of God’s Kingdom.  The design of the Book resembles wings as the general revelations in the Scriptures will elevate the disciple to higher spiritual understanding.  The final part of the logo is the Assyrian tree of life.  Achieving higher spirituality and Godly mind has always been the core spirituality of the Assyrian people.  It is because of this purity of spiritual quest that Assyrians have always been quick to accept the true path of God.  The evidence of such affinity to Godliness is noted in the story of Jonah and the Ninevites and the historic event of King Abgar the Black and Jesus.  The Tree of Life symbolizes the highest level of consciousness that is only achieved by relinquishing fleshly desires and preparing one’s mind and soul by self-emptiness, denial of egoic desires, self-renunciation and aligning self with Christ for the higher goal of being filled with the Mind of God. 

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