Check-out the answers below to our most frequently asked questions.
Q - Are my donations tax deductible for Assyrian Biblical Studies?
A - Yes. Assyrian Biblical Studies is a tax-exempt non-profit organization since 2021.
Q - I do not like to give my email addresses to organizations for fear of lots of junk mail. Will you send a lot of notifications to my email box?
A - No. On average you should get an email once a week to remind you of the upcoming Bible Study and possibly an email a month if there is any new seminars of activities scheduled. You can read our Privacy Policy here.
Q - Do you have any Bible studies in other languages but Assyrian?
A - As of now, we are only holding Bible studies in our mother language. We may add other languages in near future.
Q - Are we going to be asked to do any homework?
A - No. We do not ask anyone to complete a homework. However, we strongly recommend that you read the Scripture of each study before the session starts for better comprehension.
Q - Can we ask questions during a Bible study session?
A - Yes. Feel free to ask questions from the instructor. However, the questions should be honest questions and not comments worded in question form!! Let me explain. If you need more explanation, then feel free to ask. But, if you do not agree with the teacher, do not try to change the teacher’s mind by asking questions. Usually, such questions are begin with words such as “Don’t you think that . . ..” Be sure to ask questions to enrich your understanding of the Scriptures and enlighten your fellow hearers.
Q - What do you mean when you talk about Eastern spirituality? Are you referring to New Age movement?
A - No, Eastern spirituality is not the New Age movement. The New Age movement which started in Western Cultures takes the bulk of its belief system from the Eastern Spirituality, but it has modified it to accommodate for the Western ideologies. There is a coherent spiritual foundation in the East that can be explained as “emptiness” and “self-renunciation”. As West has honed its spirituality more and more in “prosperity”, “knowledge”, and “accomplishment”, the East has centralized its spirituality in “oneness”, “singularity”, “emptiness”, and “self-renunciation”. These teachings can easily be detected in the teachings of Jesus and Paul.
Q - What if we disagree in some issues? Can we voice our concern? Will you listen to our concern?
A - Absolutely. In fact, we expect you to disagree with some teachings. However, we may not want to open a dialogue during the Bible session. The instructor will appoint a separate meeting designated specifically for the aforementioned subject. It is through these dialogues that we grow in our theology.
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